The PCDS (Property Disclosure Statement) (or RPDS – Residential Property Disclosure Statement) is a disclosure document a seller is required to complete and provide it to the buyer in addition to the purchase and sale agreement.
🗒The PCDS can give potential home buyers an insight into the condition of the property and anything that may negatively or positively affect the home’s value. This form can only be filled out for the amount of time the owner has lived there.
These statements are required by law in most areas of the country so buyers can know a property’s good and bad points before they close the deal. HOWEVER, if the home was a rental, or is an estate sale the disclosure is not required.
👉🏼Sections the PCDS includes:
💦 Water Supply
🚽 Sewage Disposal
⚡️ Electrical System
🪠Plumbing System
☀️Heating System
🏚Zoning & Permits